POTS Syndrome
It’s scary! And it’s a worry!
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a form of dysautonomia that is estimated to impact between 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 Americans, and millions more around the world. Want relief?
HYDRUS is the answer!
Why Does It Happen?
POTS is a form of Orthostatic intolerance that is associated with the presence of tachycardia – a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute (BPM).
It’s a cluster of conditions that are largely of unknown origin from a wide variety of autoimmune conditions to genetic disorders to infections to mitochondrial diseases to traumas, toxicities, nutrient deficiencies, among other possibilities.
It’s a condition not a disease, and that makes it a very difficult problem to solve. It’s not at the top of anyone’s medical radar.
Your bloodstream can typically benefit from more volume to keep hydrated. Therefore you must make sure that you hydrate your bloodstream, or the blood flowing through your body will be part of the problem when it should be part of the solution.
If you want relief, hydrate!
What You Might Not Know
POTS. You can’t fix it, but you can deal with it better. Dealing with POTS effectively will help you have a bit more peace of mind and help you cope by keeping POTS in check. Worrying can’t help, but it can hurt, so reducing worry is a huge step forward.
Want relief? Hyrdate!
That’s typically at the top of the doctor’s list. For most people there isn’t a single pill or remedy that relieves POTS. People with POTS syndrome typically suffer from low blood volume. It can be debilitating.
Hydrate. Easier said than done!
The best medical advice is to drink lots of non-sugary fluids, probably more than you’re comfortable with, and you have to consume a large amount of electrolytes, otherwise you’re not hydrating at all. Water alone is not enough! So, where can you turn to?
Hands Down, the Best Way to Hydrate is Hydrus!
For this purpose, HYDRUS® PERFORMANCE HYDRATION was developed to deliver hydration fast and effectively. Doctors often recommend drinking significant amounts of fluid (most often water) to help reduce the negative effects of dehydration. Consuming enough fluid can often be difficult.
NOW WITH HYDRUS, you can maximize hydration from all the fluids you drink!
HYDRUS is proven effective!
Other than an IV, nothing hydrates faster and more effectively than HYDRUS.
Hydrus works from the inside out to increase blood volume by providing water and electrolyte absorption faster and more effectively than anything else you can drink.
This means you can gain more volume with the least amount of fluid intake!
Hydrus can deliver up to 800% more absorption than traditional sugary-electrolyte drinks and sugar-free electrolyte drinks, which supply electrolytes into the body very slowly. They can’t deliver the water and electrolyte absorption you get from Hydrus’ Nanosome™ encapsulated electrolytes. Think of hydration as watering a plant. The plant draws in water, which contains nutrients, and thrives.
Your bloodstream can typically benefit from more volume. Therefore you must make sure that you hydrate your bloodstream, or the blood flowing through your body will be part of the problem when it should be part of the solution.
The Hydrus Story is that Hydrus is a scientific breakthrough in hydration.
Using Nanosomes™ to encapsulate electrolytes, Hydrus delivers electrolytes into the bloodstream fast and effectively, drawing in water that hydrates you. Without belaboring the point, drinking water is only half of the hydration equation. The other half is YOU NEED ESSENTIAL ELECTROLYTES TO DELIVER AND MAINTAIN MAXIMUM HYDRATION THROUGHOUT YOUR BODY.
This BREAKTHROUGH was found to be UP TO EIGHT TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE for water and electrolyte absorption than alternatives when tested against the World Health Organization’s “gold standard” electrolyte solution in tests at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Dhaka, Bangla Desh.
Source: Gastroenterology May 2012 Volume 142, Issue 5, Supplement 1, Page S-21, Absorption of Water…, Pradip K. Bardhan, Nasirul Islam, Rifat Faruqui.
Another big part of the HYDRUS HYDRATION breakthrough science is that it HYDRATES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SUGAR.
Hydrus is sweetened by Stevia, uses natural flavors, and contains electrolytes (sodium, potassium and chloride) and Phosphatidylcholine, which is an essential substance found in every human cell.

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Take our challenge by clicking the button below to get started. Follow the instructions and get ready to experience real hydration for the very first time.