The Hydrus Edge is the place to get all the latest health and hydration information from Hydrus!


Dr. Adam Miller Integrative Medicine Doc Talks About Why Proper Hydration Is Essential To Cellular Nutrition

A new breed of medical practitioners is using integrative medicine to help patients overcome long-term medical conditions and chronic diseases...
alcohol and dehydration

Is Consuming Alcohol Daily Causing You To Age Prematurely? Here’s what you need to know

Did you know that consuming two glasses of wine a day can cause premature aging and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles? Well, it’s true...
pandemic flu

What’s Difference Between Pandemic Flu & the Common Flu? 

According to the CDC, there are some stark differences between pandemic flu and the common flu infection...
hydrated winter

Five Reasons It’s Essential To Stay Hydrated During The Winter

Staying well hydrated is vital to your health in cold winter weather. Five things you should know about dehydration...
dehydration and youth sports

Dehydration and Youth Sports: Is Your Teen Dehydrated?

While parents often know dehydration can occur, it is not always easy to identify...
ADHD & Dehydration

Have You Seen A Sudden Change In Your Child’s ADHD Symptoms? The Problem Could Be Dehydration

Is your child's ADHD worsening? Children initially respond to ADHD medications but benefits may fade over time...
hydration and holistic

Hydration & Holistic Health: Holistic & Mental Health Practioner Talks About Her Personal Experience With Hydration & Holistic Therapy

For Dr. Donna Poppendieck, a mental and holistic health expert, losing her adopted daughter to toxic prescription drug medications changed everything...
dehydration and sleep

Five Surprising Facts About Sleep & Dehydration That You Probably Don’t Know

Dehydration can not only affect how you perform mentally and physically throughout the day but also how well you sleep...
hydration dry skin

Proper Hydration Isn’t Just Skin Deep, It Helps Prevent Infections

Proper hydration may be one of the best ways to improve your immunity, especially during the fall and winter...
whole body hydration

When Topical Treatments Don’t Work, You Might Need Whole Body Hydration

Adopting a daily whole-body hydration routine can help to relieve symptoms of dehydration more effectively than topical treatments...
workplace hydration

Hydration Prevents Infections In The Workplace, Keep Your Employees Safe

Minimizing exposure to COVID-19 has become critical to your business's survival. Proper hydration can help reduce risk of workplace illness...
hydration and employee wellness

Hydration & Workplace Productivity: Proper Hydration Is Essential To Your Workplace Wellness Strategy

Studies show that proper hydration in the workplace can significantly boost productivity and performance and help improve employee health...
hydration remote learning

Are Your Kids Having A Tough Time Learning Remotely? Proper Hydration Can Enhance Your Child’s Performance 

Studies show that proper hydration can help children who learn remotely to shift focus from one task to another more effectively...
hydration Shari Nelson testimonial Hydrus

Consider Experimenting With Your Body’s Hydration Needs To Find What Works Effectively

Shari Nelson shares how using Hydrus and experimenting with her hydration needs helped alleviate Rheumatoid Arthritis...

Water Alone Is Not Enough

Drinking water alone does not replace all the electrolytes your body needs to properly absorb and balance water levels inside your cells and organs...
attorney wellness

Attorney Wellness, Tips for Relieving Work-Related Stress

Attorneys and legal professionals suffer high levels of stress and burnout. Best tips from attorney wellness expert and power lifter Robert Herbst...
dehydrated, children. dehydration

Five Things You Should Know About Keeping Kids Well Hydrated During the Scorching Summer Weather

Here are five things you should know about keeping your kids well-hydrated in the hot summer heat and triple-digit temperatures...
corporate wellness Hydrus

Are You Asking The Right Questions About Your Employee Wellness Program? Best Tips for Result Driven Health Outcomes

Many companies implement corporate wellness programs, but few can measure their impact. Here are some tips for results driven health outcomes...
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