
Whole-body Hydration Can Help Tame Your Pesky Seasonal Allergies, Here’s What You Should Know

Do you experience symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing, dry eyes (redness & irritation), dry throat, dry mouth, dry nose throughout the year? Well, indoor allergens may be setting off your allergies- and dehydration could be adding to the problem.

Dr. Adam Miller Integrative Medicine Doc Talks About Why Proper Hydration Is Essential To Cellular Nutrition

A new breed of medical practitioners is using integrative medicine to help patients overcome long-term medical conditions and chronic diseases.

Dehydration and Diabetes: It’s A Vicious Cycle, But Proper Hydration Can Help

Many of us may not be aware that there’s an unrelentingly vicious cycle between diabetes and dehydration. And understanding how this cycle works and how to best deal with it can be the key to unlocking good health and wellness for millions of Americans with diabetes. More than 34 million people or one in ten …

Dehydration and Diabetes: It’s A Vicious Cycle, But Proper Hydration Can Help Read More »

What’s causing your dry mouth ? Proper hydration can help to relieve symptoms

If you have ever experienced a persistent sticky, cottony dry feeling in your mouth, difficulty swallowing or tasting food, and constant sore throat or hoarseness – you are probably suffering from a dry mouth also known as xerostomia.   The American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) estimates that nearly 4 million people suffer from persistent dry mouth. …

What’s causing your dry mouth ? Proper hydration can help to relieve symptoms Read More »

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